
America’s Story is designed to grow with the support it receives, ensuring that it can meet the demands of interested parties and make a meaningful impact. At its core, the initiative seeks to honor the sacrifices of our veterans, with excess funds being donated to non-profit veterans programs, ensuring that the legacy of America's Story continues to benefit those who have served.

Donators receive a America’s Story 250 challenge coin!

Known as America's Storyteller, Jeff Gould takes the stage to present to you America's Story. This presentation brings history and stories to life while celebrating our nations past.

Be a Dreamer ($25,000) - Support America's Story (a 501(c)(3) corporation) with the same level of dedication as our original 56 signers.

Partner ($10,000) - Partner your company’s vision with America’s Story to inspire employees and customers.

Legacy ($7,500) - To put America’s Story into the hands of tomorrow’s leaders.

Sponsor ($5,000) - To sponsor America's Story at any given location.

Unum ($250.00) - "Out of many, One." The unofficial motto of the United States shows the power of the individual supporter.